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  • 组件是如何分类的
  • Vue 和 React 封装组件模式
  • 怎样才是一个好的可扩展、通用的、健壮性组件
  • 思考讨论,提出问题


diagram6.jpg 无论是 业务组件 或者 通用组件都具备组件本质所包含的三个性质扩展、通用、健壮

  • 扩展性:在原有组件基础上可 二次封装 扩展成新的组件符合设计的开闭原则
  • 通用性:根据组件接受的参数和组件中与业务的解耦比来衡量组件的通用性,并不是通用性占比100%的组件就是最好的组件,需要根据 不同的场景 分析
  • 健壮性:避免组件中参数处理和函数执行过程可能出现的奔溃和错误导致程序的直接挂断,单测以对组件内部 做好边界处理,异常错误的捕获来衡量这一标准



Layout Switch

Adjust the layout style of VitePress to adapt to different reading needs and screens.

Expand all
The sidebar and content area occupy the entire width of the screen.
Expand sidebar with adjustable values
Expand sidebar width and add a new slider for user to choose and customize their desired width of the maximum width of sidebar can go, but the content area width will remain the same.
Expand all with adjustable values
Expand sidebar width and add a new slider for user to choose and customize their desired width of the maximum width of sidebar can go, but the content area width will remain the same.
Original width
The original layout width of VitePress

Page Layout Max Width

Adjust the exact value of the page width of VitePress layout to adapt to different reading needs and screens.

Adjust the maximum width of the page layout
A ranged slider for user to choose and customize their desired width of the maximum width of the page layout can go.

Content Layout Max Width

Adjust the exact value of the document content width of VitePress layout to adapt to different reading needs and screens.

Adjust the maximum width of the content layout
A ranged slider for user to choose and customize their desired width of the maximum width of the content layout can go.


Highlight the line where the mouse is currently hovering in the content to optimize for users who may have reading and focusing difficulties.

Turn on Spotlight.
Turn off Spotlight.